Clint Hunker has painted the landscape in
Saskatchewan since the age of 16.He has studied visual art at the University of Victoria and the University of Saskatchewan and holds a Master of Fine Arts, has been the recipient of awards and grants including the Judith Poole Award in 1987 and grants from the Saskatchewan Arts Board. His recent exhibitions include” The Heart as A Way” with artists Lorna Russell and Doris Wall Larson at the Mendel Art Gallery in 2002,a recent exhibition of oil panels at Art Placement in 2005 and an exhibition at the Genkan Gallery in Tokyo in 2006. He has instructed for the University of Saskatchewan since 1987. Clint Hunker’s recent works are explorations in oil, working predominately on site. They are a personal examination of solitude and silence within the northern landscape, focusing upon periods of subdued colour; waning light and the moodiness of late fall.