My work is devoted to the human/landscape experience; perceptions of the earth’s surface relating to care of the soil; human interventions in earth beneath the sea as well as above, human interventions upon one another. Following these pursuits, I have accompanied scientists on expeditions that focus on ecology and sustainable human activity. My art installations contain large-scale paintings, in juxtaposition with film, video, bookwork’s, sound, and/or sculptural elements. Directly related to my studio work are publicly commissioned murals in fresco buono and cut mosaic tiles. My limited edition artist books, Arctic Notebook: A Journal of Time and Place, and Speculations and Intersections: Canada’s Eastern Continental Shelf, function as Aplatforms@ from which other works on these subjects have been generated. Writings by Petra Halkes in the catalogue, Figura, 1998, and her doctoral desertion, to be published by University of Toronto press, 2005, describe my work further.